Source code for

from pathlib import Path
from manim_voiceover.helper import msg_box, prompt_ask_missing_extras, remove_bookmarks

from import SpeechService
from manim import logger

    import pyaudio
    from import Recorder

    # Workaround to get this included in the docs
    DEFAULT_FORMAT = pyaudio.paInt16
except ImportError:
        'Missing packages. Run `pip install "manim-voiceover[recorder]"` to use RecorderService.'

[docs]class RecorderService(SpeechService): """Speech service that records from a microphone during rendering.""" def __init__( self, format: int = DEFAULT_FORMAT, channels: int = 1, rate: int = 44100, chunk: int = 512, device_index: int = None, transcription_model: str = "base", trim_silence_threshold: float = -40.0, trim_buffer_start: int = 200, trim_buffer_end: int = 200, callback_delay: float = 0.05, **kwargs, ): """Initialize the speech service. Args: format (int, optional): Format of the audio. Defaults to pyaudio.paInt16. channels (int, optional): Number of channels. Defaults to 1. rate (int, optional): Sampling rate. Defaults to 44100. chunk (int, optional): Chunk size. Defaults to 512. device_index (int, optional): Device index, if you don't want to choose it every time you render. Defaults to None. transcription_model (str, optional): The `OpenAI Whisper model <>`_ to use for transcription. Defaults to "base". trim_silence_threshold (float, optional): Threshold for trimming silence in decibels. Defaults to -40.0 dB. trim_buffer_start (int, optional): Buffer duration for trimming silence at the start. Defaults to 200 ms. trim_buffer_end (int, optional): Buffer duration for trimming silence at the end. Defaults to 200 ms. """ prompt_ask_missing_extras(["pyaudio", "pynput"], "recorder", "RecorderService") self.recorder = Recorder( format=format, channels=channels, rate=rate, chunk=chunk, device_index=device_index, trim_silence_threshold=trim_silence_threshold, trim_buffer_start=trim_buffer_start, trim_buffer_end=trim_buffer_end, callback_delay=callback_delay, ) SpeechService.__init__(self, transcription_model=transcription_model, **kwargs) def generate_from_text( self, text: str, cache_dir: str = None, path: str = None, **kwargs ) -> dict: """""" # Remove bookmarks input_text = remove_bookmarks(text) if cache_dir is None: cache_dir = self.cache_dir input_data = { # Remove bookmarks so that we don't record a voiceover every time we change a bookmark "input_text": input_text, "config": { "format": self.recorder.format, "channels": self.recorder.channels, "rate": self.recorder.rate, "chunk": self.recorder.chunk, }, "service": "recorder", } cached_result = self.get_cached_result(input_data, cache_dir) if cached_result is not None: return cached_result if path is None: audio_path = self.get_audio_basename(input_data) + ".mp3" else: audio_path = path self.recorder._trigger_set_device() box = msg_box("Voiceover:\n\n" + input_text) self.recorder.record(str(Path(cache_dir) / audio_path), box) json_dict = { "input_text": text, "input_data": input_data, "original_audio": audio_path, } return json_dict